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Who and What is Day Counseling Services LLC?

Writer's picture: Day EspinalDay Espinal

Heller everyone my name is Daylied Espinal but I go by Day and I am the Founder and Owner of Day Counseling Services LLC. I am a mother, business owner, employee, daughter, sister, and friend. My passion for psychology began when I was in High School taking AP Psychology with Mrs. Castillo at Miami Sunset Senior High School. This amazing educator made psychology so interesting and fun for me that I knew I wanted to get into psychology one way or another. I then took classes such as Medical Terminology and AP Biology with another two amazing teachers, Mr. Moreno and Ms. Gonzalez. These classes gave me a small glimpse into what I wanted to do with my life. If you would have asked me back then what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be I would tell you different than who I am today. Yet somehow I feel as if I am exactly where I wanted to be...

Fast forward to graduating with my Bachelors in Psychology. I walked my graduation at Florida International University (FIU), seven months pregnant, and not a clue of where I wanted to work. Yet I continued to grow, learn, work, and have faith that I would be where I wanted and needed to be. A year after graduation I started working on my Masters in Counseling with a specialization in Mental Health. Two years later, I graduated with my Masters, after completing my internship at a Psychosocial Rehabilitation Center. I gained experience in working with clients who had schizophrenia, bipolar, substance abuse, and much more. I then changed paths and went to nursing school. Nursing school was difficult to navigate through, not only because of the content, but because I was unable to work a full time job. This is where J.M.Crafts, my mental health apparel business was created. While working on J.M.Crafts I also provided therapy to adolescents and their families who had dealt with trauma. This is where my passion of working with children and mental health finally linked and I realized that mixing mental health, nursing, and children was where I needed to be. In 2020 I was presented with the opportunity to own and operate a Pediatric Skilled Nursing center. I was able to use my knowledge of children, mental health, and nursing to provide services to children in need and I WAS HOOKED.

However, being a Medicaid facility meant being limited to the types of services we could provide and children we could help. I needed a solution so I could service as many children as possible without any limitations. I opened a non-profit Building Chances Foundation Inc. with a group of strong, like-minded females who each had skills and dreams to help every child and family in need. This is still ongoing as fundraising for such services is tough and the goal is to services as many children and families as possible. #bigdreams

Months later I started providing Telehealth therapy again and I finally decided to open up my own therapy practice and BOOM! Day Counseling Services LLC. was born.

Day Counseling Services LLC is a safe space where clients can, not only talk through their concerns, but they can learn and implement skills to live a happier, healthier, and peaceful life. This is done via virtual meetings either, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, all depending on the client's needs and goals. Each client participates in the development of their own treatment plan and gets the chance to modify their plan as needed throughout their time in therapy.

Head on over to my FAQs to learn more about therapy <3

Thank you for reading!!

Peace, Day Espinal, LMHC, MS, BSN

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